Freedman Farms Now Available for Retail

Encouraging families to get back to basics

The world is changing, rapidly. Every day a food “manufacturer” releases a new food that makes you less healthy. In the fast-food economy we live in, in this world of online communities, are people losing touch with the world around them? We are losing touch with nature and our food. Freedman Farms encourages you to get back to basics.

Organic foods and produce are grown using the same traditional farming practices that birthed America in the early 1900s after the Civil War. Freedmen Farms is taking us back to a simpler time. A time before obesity, before billions of dollars in cancer research, and a time before nut allergies. Before there was diabetes and hypertension, there was food grown by Freedmen farmers. Six generations of American farmers use traditional safe and healthy farming methods without chemical fertilizers or toxic pesticides. And now it's available for retail. 

freedmen farming family 

Your Local Grocery Isle

All over the country, Freedmen farmers are living in local farming communities growing non-modified organic produce now available for the retail grocery aisle. Freedman Farms is our network of American farmers growing high-quality organic produce now available for retail. Real food. With seeds! Seeds are your connection to the soil. Connection to the world around you.

Offer your customers WHOLE and WHOLESOME or CHOPPED, SLICED, and DICED for sale at your neighborhood market, grocery store, or retail location today. Available in three sizes: 4 Pallets, 10 Pallets, or 20 Pallets. Shipped within 48 hours of harvest. Find Freedmen Farms in commercial businesses in eleven states across the nation. Michigan, Georgia, California, New York, Kentucky, Missouri, Louisiana, Texas, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and North Carolina. 

Consumers are leaning into the movement to eat healthy without breaking the budget. Buy consciously, eat organically, and live healthily. Put healthier foods on America’s dinner table, real foods. With seeds. Get Freedmen Farms today, it is freshest at its best.



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